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The Southern Public Relations Federation (SPRF) and its affiliate organizations offer three award programs designed to honor and recognize outstanding work in the field of public relations.

  • The Lantern Awards program is sponsored by SPRF and is open to all SPRF members, including members of the Public Relations Association of Mississippi (PRAM), the Public Relations Council of Alabama (PRCA), the Public Relations Association of Louisiana (PRAL) and the Emerald Coast Public Relations Organization (ECPRO).
  • The PRism Awards program is sponsored by PRAM and is open to PRAM members only.
  • The Medallion Awards program is sponsored by PRCA and is open to PRCA members only.
  • The Torche Awards program is sponsored by PRAL and open to PRAL members only.

In all three awards programs, members enter their work in a variety of categories from campaigns to individual tactics. Award-winning entries will demonstrate knowledge and application of the four-step process which emphasizes research, planning, implementation, and evaluation.

The work associated with your entry must have appeared (published, printed, presented, etc.) in the previous calendar year, between January 1 and December 31, 2023.

Entries are evaluated on their own merits by public relations practitioners across the country. The highest honors are the Lantern awards (SPRF), PRism awards (PRAM) and Medallion awards (PRCA), followed by the Awards of Excellence and Certificates of Achievement in each category. Best of Tier Award winner is selected from the highest scored entries in each tier, with the Best of Show award selected from the three Best of Tier winners.

